Hi Youth!
What are you up to this summer? Why not join us for a great time for 2-day camp at church, fill in the form. See you there!
Theme: Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. – Matthew 22:37-39
Content: Praise, devotion, Bible study, topical, prayers, games, outing etc., just fellowshipping with each other
Date: Jul 14 (Fri 10am-9:30pm) - 15 (Sat 10am-4pm)
Venue: NPAC Education Centre, 2/F Phase 2, Maximall, 233 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Age: Secondary school students (start Secondary school 2023 Aug/Sep)
Bring: Our Daily Bread (or other devotional material you are using), stationery, water (no food), money
Meals: prepare to eat out (Junior High will be accompanied by counselors)
Deadline: Register on/before Jun 30 (Fri)
+852 2807 5200